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Authentication plugin

Adding OIDC plugin

Enabling the plugin on a Service.

Configure this plugin on a Service by making the following request:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/{ID}/plugins \
--data "name=oidc" \
--data "config.client_id=kong" \
--data "config.client_secret=29d98bf7-168c-4874-b8e9-9ba5e7382fa0" \
--data "config.discovery=http://{ip}:8080/auth/realms/kong/.well-known/openid-configuration" \
--data "config.introspection_endpoint=http://{ip}:8080/auth/realms/kong/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect" \
--data "config.bearer_only=yes"

Adding ACL plugin

Enabling the plugin on a Service.

Configure this plugin on a Service by making the following request:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/services/{ID}/plugins \
--data "name=oidc-acl" \
--data "config.whitelist=admin" \
--data "config.whitelist=user"